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Work in a way that your future self would be proud!


The above statement likely holds more true for software development than any other field.  Software saves lives, it reduces waste, it automates rote actions that otherwise cause large expenditure of human time expense.  Building software with pride only amplifies the savings.

Plan, prototype, test, blueprint, build, deploy, test, fix, confirm stable, and plan again.  This cyclic process should be one that may take a bit more time to get out the door than otherwise, but when it does deploy stable the goal should be a functional product that can be relied upon for many years to come. 

Being proud of your creations allows you to stand by them under critical pressure, and gives you more of a clear reason to re-evaluate and repair (i.e. reuse and recycle), than to scrap and start over. And probably most importantly, pride is an indicator that the products are built to the best of your ability.


We enjoy having customers that use our products for sure. And we are super thankful they appreciate our software enough to do so. But truthfully, we believe customers use us because we deliver the highest product value while also aligning with similar business values.

Our consideration is taken every step of the when building our products. Not only: "How will this affect our customers" but also "Will we be happy putting our name on this product".

For software, building tight and efficient code is a must, hack jobs don't live beyond prototyping phases, and that highly performant code is a requirement to allow deployment on older hardware or even newer lesser-powered and highly energy efficient designs.  All of these decisions cost us a bit more up front in time, material, and design, but this will save the client plenty times over the lifecycle of our products.

For hardware items that we didn't physically build (the 3rd party devices we use in our facility), we must be skeptical enough to test well before deployment, then give respect to the original craftsmanship and be confident in the design.

For hardware items that we directly assemble, we must perform thorough consideration and testing before contributing to the deployment process, allowing the decisions we make to last many years beyond their suggested use cycle by finding convenient placement for them over time instead of decommissioning them outright. Vendor provided hardware is inspected for quality to confirm the products meet the standards we'd put our name on.