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Without our compulsion for knowledge, none of the KYNGIN products would be here.


While it grew from a practical desire to automate processes for clients that otherwise would take tremendous amounts of time to complete manually, KYNGIN is a labor of love, fueled by knowledge and reinforced with a daily dose of refined wisdom.

Knowledge is a part of our company’s DNA. If we can learn something new, we are interested in breaking it down into parts and examining each part in detail until we can refine, improve, and automate.


As a regular process of knowledge consumption, we obsessively read, implement, refine, test, and implement again. Keeping up with the latest standards, security audits, and technology availability in the open source world is happily never-ending.

This process of education takes countless hours of reading and implementing, but yields the best result for every one of our clients: fantastic value, and technology that you can rely upon.

We adopt new technologies or solutions only to improve security, reliability, performance, and utility, typically in that order.

Education has brought us wisdom and experience; we see how a great deal of the technology world’s successes are fueled by basic and iterative concepts over decades of change. We've learned that there rarely is a magic pill for the most difficult data problems.

Knowledge keeps us away from adopting the latest fads and gimmicks, and instead lets us implement higher performance alternatives using Open Source Software without the big vendor costs.

Knowledge keeps us skeptical of promises made by those with less experience, or those peddling lies and misinformation mostly pushed by vendors with alternative agendas. This keeps us agile, and able to keep focused on our mission without being sidetracked.

But most importantly, knowledge allows us to focus squarely on writing our story: A journey we believe will continue to affiliate us with clients and vendors which have a common vision to provide high quality services and deliver on promises of security, reliability, performance, and utility for the life of your business.