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KYNGIN Onboarding

KYNGIN partners with clients to deliver the best quality of service for all parties involved. Our business model is designed as a wholesale product provider, and because of that we keep a reasonably close relationship with our clients. We try to be as participatory as possible, without getting in way of efficiency. That said, we do have a stake in the success of our clients and their representation.

We preform the onboarding process quickly by conducting a small interview via phone or in person as to confirm your eligibility and makes sure KYNGIN products are a good fit for your company. During the onboarding interview, we clarify a few of the processes we perform for the client related to our billing model, the services included in KYNGIN hosting stack, as well as what you can (and cannot) expect from our infrastructure services.

Onboarding Interview Requirements

Striving for excellence, we require all KYNGIN clients to pass a quick onboarding interview.  Simply, we just want to make sure our clients are a valid/registered company with the necessary technical competency and understanding to sell the our services direct to end-user.

Additionally, we want to make sure our customers aren't prone to bad behavior, as well as confirm that we will be able to offer the solutions for them that they want to provide. Most interviews are quick and painless.

This isn't a scary thing. We are friendly people! :) We just want to make sure we are a good fit to work together moving forward.