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KYNGIN Pricing

KYNGIN is a wholesale product. We do not provide public pricing. Please contact us for pricing inquiries.

All resources are allocated per KYNGIN facility. Customers are welcome to purchase resources from a single or multiple facilities.

We do believe that KYNGIN quality of service will be superior to any retail provider, but we understand that cost is also a concern. We have listed here the minimum quantity of resources you'd likely want to utilize within a single facility before you would see a pricing benefit compared to retail providers:

DNS: 100 Zones
Email: 100 Mailboxes
Web: 50 Websites (or 200k+ monthly visitors)
Database: 50 Databases (or 10+ GB worth of database data)
Storage: 20TB
Virtual Machines: 20 vCPU Cores + 80GB memory

If you are hitting these resource quantities you'll find KYNGIN to be more cost effective and higher performance than any competition we've benchmarked (including the big 3 cloud providers).

*Customers that wish to utilize multiple facilities but don't quite hit the minimum product quantities listed above are still likely to see a cost savings over other providers. Please contact us for further details.